The new way to avoid checking your emails every ten minutes...

Welcome to my blog! On it I'm going to post all the things we cover in class (handouts, youtube vids, useful stuff in the library, revision notes....) so it'll be in one easy to find spot. If you want to ask me anything direct (and that incluldes you, parents) then don't bother emailing me at my gmail address, but do drop me a line at my school address.

Friday, 27 April 2012

Revision / Round up

Like a harassed DJ responding to requests, I've been seeing people and speaking to them about areas they want to brush up on before the exam. I thought I'd post some links here that might be useful to everyone, as I've noticed that a few requests are overlapping.
First up - Jean Aitchison's Reith Lectures - you can download them all here. The first one, 'A Web of Worries' will give you much more detail on her ideas about damp spoons, crumbling castles and the like, but the other ones are really useful, too. (I search for a lot of podcasts in iTunes, and download them directly there).
Whilst we're on podcasts, if you've got an hour or two to spare, head over to the British Library website and check out some of the podcasts from their Evolving English exhibition. David Crystal's is really good, but also is Steven Pinker's, where he dicusses the evolutionary process of words.
Still on podcasts, you can also check out two interviews with Henry Hitchings from the Blackwell site (or better yet, search for Henry Hitchings in the iTunes store - there are two really good podcasts there; one 19 mins long, the other 11). Again, really useful, but no substitute at all for reading the book, which I still recommend you do before the big day.
And finally, you can still find more stuff then I could ever dig up by wandering over to the Eng Lang SFX site - I've been banging on about this for 2 years now, so I'm certainly not going to stop now.
As ever, any questions, comments, Bell & Ross watches, send them over to the usual address

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