The new way to avoid checking your emails every ten minutes...

Welcome to my blog! On it I'm going to post all the things we cover in class (handouts, youtube vids, useful stuff in the library, revision notes....) so it'll be in one easy to find spot. If you want to ask me anything direct (and that incluldes you, parents) then don't bother emailing me at my gmail address, but do drop me a line at my school address.

Friday, 11 November 2011

I want to go for a pint with David Crystal

What a legend. What a hero. Find a link here to the iplayer of him speaking on 'The Front Row', or, if you need that DC permanence in your life, get a podcast of it here. It's about 20 minutes in, after a discussion of Leonardo da Vinci, and some singing chap who waffles on a great deal.

 I'm also running a competition, where anyone who links to a useful YouTube video of DC nattering about anything relevant (put the links in the comments section below) automatically wins a delivered cup of tea and muffin next lesson. Guaranteed.

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