I hope you thoroughly enjoyed the extremely easy paper on Monday! I like, actually, literally LOLLED when I saw the language and gender question, and double ROFLD when I saw the language and power question. Too easy.
Anyhow, I thought I'd give you a bit a reading week in which you can settle down, relax and recharge your batteries before starting on A2, (which we are starting in a few days; the exam for that is in January).
So, thanks to the kindness of the powers that be, I've bought you a heap of books that will need reading before you sit down to your exam. They are living in the library at the moment, (and might not be on the shelves just yet, as Mrs Rogers needs to sort them out), but when they are, I seriously recommend that you get involved.
If the books aren't on the shelves yet, then not to worry - you can check out three articles from the blogs that you can click on to the right of this post! I'll be adding to these as we go along the course, as well as pinching heaps of stuff from them to study in class. Enjoy!
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